Tuesday, June 5, 2018

INFLUENSTER VOX BOX REVIEW: Wella Color Charm Cream Devloper

Soo, I got my first Vox Box from Influenster and I was so freaking excited! They send me a box of goodies for completely free to try and test out! I then give my own review of everything thing they send me. The box came with three Wella Color Charm Paints in colors blood orange, coral, and mint. They also sent two different developer and a lightening powder. In the box there were also three mixing bowl, three dye brushes, and gloves! I was super impressed by that! What I wasn't impressed by were the lack of instructions.

Here is how I reviewed the Wella Color Charm developer and paints:

I will definitely buy the developer again! I mixed it with the powder lightener And touched up my roots and highlights a bit! I will definitely buy this again! It did look a little orangey until I used the wells toner!! Next time, now that how I know  how it turns out,  I will use this again to highlight my hair!

The Wella Color Charm paints were such a dud for me! This may be because I was not sure how to use them correctly and may have not kept them in long enough. The colors for sure did not stay at all though!  I would not recommend buying them if you do not know how to color your hair!

Hope this review helps any curious product users! Please comment with any questions!(:

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Ted Talk Reflection

The Ted Talk by Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of Eat Pray Love, was very thought provoking. I love how she told the story of the poet and how she got her creativity. She said the poet described it has a powerful wind chase her to paper. I love the thought of that. She said that sometimes this creative energy would pass her up and continue to another poet. I think of that as not all creative ideas are meant for you. That some ideas and inspirations are not for your calling, but are meant for someone else. I love also how Elizabeth Gilbert mentioned over and over that creativity is seen to come from something or someone else. I totally, a hundred percent agree with this. I like to think that my creativity comes from God. That God gives me the gifts to create something beautiful or to produce something great. I would like to think he moves through me and I am just the mule (as Elizabeth Gilbert put it) for his inspiration. I am creative and create beautiful things because God gives me the gift to do so.

*Here is the link to the Ted Talk*


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Review: WPAFB

  I recently read a article about the top Air Force bases in the nation. As a military brat I was excited/curious to see a base that I currently use as home. What I was surprise to see was why the Air Force considered it the best in the nation.. I actually laughed out loud when I read it, to be honest.

Here is the article the Dayton Daily News posted:

Wright-Patt named best Air Force base in nation

Aerial view of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Area B. (Staff photo by Ty Greenlees)
By Amelia Robinson
Staff Writer
Here’s something to make the airmen at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base cheer.
The Dayton-area military installation tied Scott Air Force Base in Illinois as Air Force Times’ best Air Force base in the country.
The Military Times Group and Gannett Government Media publication considered school quality, local economy, crime rates to traffic, climate, on-base amenities and other factors for its evaluation of 68 stateside bases and their surrounding communities.
Here is part of what Air Force Times’ wrote about Wright-Patt:
“The average monthly rent for a two-bedroom apartment in Dayton is $641, according to RentJungle.com. An airman basic without dependents would receive $864 in BAH each month, and a colonel with dependents would receive $1,950 a month.
“Airmen who are interested in their service’s history can visit the National Museum of the United States Air Force for free. The museum in June broke ground on an expansion that will eventually house the former Air Force One aircraft aboard which President Johnson was sworn in after President Kennedy’s assassination, as well as a Titan IV space booster rocket, the Lockheed C-130E Hercules, and other aircraft.
Thousands of runners — both military and civilian — run the annual Air Force Marathon at Wright-Patterson each September. The start and finish lines of that race are located at the museum.”
What do you think? Is Wright-Patt the nation’s best Air Force base?

Top 5 stateside Air Force Bases, according to Air Force Times
1) Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (tie)
1) Scott Air Force Base, Illinois (tie)
3) Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas
4) Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska
5) Luke Air Force Base, Arizona
*The link above takes you to the website*

   I would disagree, this is my 5th base I've lived at and I have visited multiple bases growing up! Family wise, this base is not the best.. It doesn't really create a community compared to other bases and does not offer as many amenities/activities or they are not as great as other bases that my family have been stationed at. The Air Force is all about creating a family environment and atmosphere so when arriving at this base I was shocked to find that was not the case. 
      Though, I agree, the military base itself is fabulous. I feel like it has a huge and equal number of civilian and military personnel that work there. I also think that they have wonderful jobs, opportunities, and a great acceptance of retired military civilians. As a military brat though, I feel the points this article made as the reasons this base is so great are very deceiving. 

  For starters, the museum is great, but not that great. It's a place you could spend hours at, or just 30mins. It is free, which is great and they are always updating it, but it's one of those places if you've gone once, you're good. No one really goes to hangout there if they live in that area. Also, in this article they only pointed out the economics, weather, and crime. Those do NOT ALWAYS make a great base. They did mention the on-base amenities. I have lived there 7 1/2 years and this is the first base that we chose to do everything OFF base. The amenities aren't great. The end. There is off base living, that anyone practically can live on (non-military civilians) that has a pool, an easy walk to a elementary school, and a daycare. Nothing impressive. As a military brat who normally has no trouble making friends on bases, found this move to be the hardest. I personally loved moving, but hated this duty station. 

*Though I hated this duty station, I have tons of Military Brat Friends who love it! Not every base is for everyone!!*

 Here are the following bases I have had the honor of living at:
  1. Patrick AFB, Coco Beach, FL. 1994-1996
  2. Vandenberg AFB, Lompoc, Ca. 1996-2000
  3. Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, AL.  2000-2006
  4. Naples Support Site, Naples, Italy (Dad was stationed at NATO) 2006-2008
  5. Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio 2008-PRESENT
Again, my experience may be way different with this base then others! I hope this post informs military spouses/brats of what I thought of this base and my opinion! (:
  • What do you think about this article naming WPAFB #1?
  • Do you agree with my opinion or not? If not, then why?

I would LOOOVVVEEEE to hear from yall!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Struggling for Just a Season.

 "And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong,firm and steadfast."
 1 Peter 5:10

  This school year has been rough for me. I have changed and matured tremendously and I continue to grow in this season of life through college. I have made sacrifices and decisions that have been hard for me; I've learned whats needed in life and whats not. My sophomore year here in Mobile has been tough emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. Every night before I go to bed, I pray that God strengthens these areas and protects these areas of my life.
  At the beginning of the school year it was extremely hard. Not only was I worried about pulling up my grades, I was starting a new relationship long distance and starting my RA life out. August, though it was stressful, it was okay. N and I started the journey of being a couple and school wasn't all that tough. Being a Resident Assistant of 80 residents in a outside building sucks though. It has been one of the hardest, most frustrating things I've ever done. When September got here, along with all the RA madness, I got mono. Which in my book is pretty much the demon of all demons that can attack a social, busy, stressed RA like me! I have never been through something health wise like mono! It was a month of being in and out of the ER, getting my arm poke with stupid thick needles, and feeling like someone was slowly killing me. I was achy and uncomfortable, itchy and freezing, nauseous and exhausted for almost two months. I never wish this upon anyone! Don't even ask me about the blisters in my throat and the whelps on my body that would come and go. It hurt to even go to the bathroom... The worse thing is, its been 7 months and I still don't feel 100%. Along with this disease from hell, it has caused a lot of other issues (in my opinion). My heart is weird now, I gained weight from being too sick to do anything, and lymph nodes start to ache when I get exhausted or stressed. Lets just say my health right now is not very superb. 
   Soon after, and basically during me having the worse thing ever, one of my brothers passed away. It was so tragic and out of the blue. I don't know if my family will ever really get over it. My brother's best friend, best man, other half, and brother left us last September. It's been super rough on my family. This was a 23 old guy was a part of our family. Who spent summers, and years living with us. He was my other older brother.  He was goofy and sarcastic, witty and sweet. He bullied me, loved me, and took up for me like my own brother. We had a love/hate relationship like siblings, and he almost never let me tag along. He was my other older brother for sure. Its hard, I'm not with my family to mourn and the people here do not even know him. It has made me such an emotional person, which I tend not to be. I cry when I see a funeral procession go by, I cry when I read or see things about him, I cry when I see something he would like or think of something he would have said, and I cry when I hear about someone dying. Death sucks, though it is necessary and does happens, It sometimes happens too soon for a person. 
   This year a lot has happen and its difficult because I am on my own basically. I am blessed though for the people God has put in my life though to get me through this all. I know my sadness won't last forever and this pain will go away. All because my God died for my sins and I filled with grace everyday.

Monday, December 1, 2014

5 Reasons Long Distance Works For Me


 At first I was very skeptical... Starting a relationship long distance? I understand if you've already been together and then one of you move away and that begens your LDR story, but starting a relationship with another person can be tricky at times and adding the distance doesn't exactly help... for most..

  If anyone else I know wanted to start a relationship long distance I would tell them how dumb it was and that they're young! They should date people locally! But then that would make me a hypocrite...

Yes, being in a LDR is tough and frustrating at times, but you fight through it because you care for that person or you see some kind of future with that person.

Here are 5 Reasons Long Distance works for ME:

1. I'm annoying.
  I'm sure if Nick spent 24 hours with me he would get tired of all my cat noises, annoying questions, and random stress out sessions. Yes, I still do all those things around him, but he thinks its cute because he doesn't deal with it 24/7...trust me.. ask my family, it gets annoying....

2. I pick at things.
   "Sneeze one more time! I swear!"
Yeah... I get annoyed easily and I'm sure if he was here all the time I would find things to pick at...because that's what I do...WE ALL HAVE OUR FLAWS! OKAY?!

3. I want to take things slow.
  I'm crazy about N, but I also am not ready for a marriage. No, N isn't going to propose to me tomorrow or maybe not at all, but this allows us to take things slow..exactly what I want!

4. We learn things new about each other all the time.
  I feel like I know N pretty darn well, but I love when I find/figure out little quirks of his or things about his family and friends. Each minute fact makes me fall harder for him each time. Also, a lot of couples don't talk on the phone.. We wouldn't be where we are now in our relationship without our phone calls. We love.. well I love hearing his voice and the excitement in it when he talks about his day or the sadness when he lets me in his thoughts. 

5. There's no pressure.
  I am waiting till I'm married to have sex. I know not everyone chooses to do that, but that is one thing I will never give into. N has already had sex and that's okay with me. Some wonder if he will cheat, but I know him and he wouldn't let himself do that. The thing about LDRs is that you have to have communication, even if nothing exciting is happening. Because N and I spend so much time talking to each other and listening to one another, our relationship is stronger I believe. We're best friends. We tell each other everything. Not a lot of couples can say that. 

  Me and N are so busy with life that this works for us. I agree though, LDRs are NOT for everyone.

Are you in a LDR?

Would a LDR work for you?

Let me know what yall think!


Saturday, November 29, 2014

Christmas List Tradition: 2014

   Ever since I was little me and my siblings would write out a list with ten things on it that we wanted for Christmas. We would rummage through ads and catalogs looking for toys and clothes that we wanted then copied it down onto paper. When I was little it was Barbies and Baby Dolls, now that I'm twenty its clothes, jewelry, and craft stuff. I still write a ten item list out for mother goose and hope to get everything I write down! This year, due to my pricey taste I gained once entering college I wrote out a very...very... detailed list.

1.       Jewelry
·         Bourbon and bowtie bracelet (look on Etsy for knock offs)
·         Short agate necklace and matching earrings (Kendra scott.  Doesn’t have to be Kendra Scott.. just showing you what it looks like)
·         A watch (Fossil or kate spade?)
·         Coordinates bracelet/cuff
·         Fix my pearl necklace
·         Size my opal ring
·         Charm bracelet w/ charms
·         Lily and Laura Bracelets ($10 [the beaded bracelets I wear])
·         Alex and Ani bracelet
2.       Shoes
·         Tevas (Original Terra Cotta size 9, ORIGINAL SANDAL LEATHER METALLIC, Zirras-Red palm)
·         Hunter rain boots- Wide calf
·         Jack Rogers sandals
·         Grey Vans
·         TOMS
·         TOMS bootie wedges
·         Rainbow (the brand)  flip flops
·         Grey or black NIKES or custom
·         Mayari Birkenstock/tatami birkenstock sandals
3.       Clothes
·         Herringbone vest (Can be expensive- shop around and look at boutiques)
·         Workout clothes
·         Bras!!!!
·         Rain Jacket (thicker than the one I have now/preferably black or gray)
·         Nike clothes
·         Denim shirt (dark or design)
·         Fleece colored vest
·          Victoria Secret  oversized sweatshirt(crewneck)
4.       *Things For back packing
·         Backpack
·         Packing cubes/ ebags
·         Outlet changers
·         Fanny pack/pocket belts/ stomach wallets
·         Jewelry roll up carrier
5.       Craft stuff
6.       Printer ink and paper
7.       Ipad

8.       Advocare

  This year...due to my very detail list.... I only listed eight things. I also wrote down things I could use for my Europe trip this summer. I know I wont get EVERYTHING on this list, but it gives my parents choices. 

 Because I have a hard working, wonderful boyfriend, I got to write out two different Christmas lists this year! 

1.Fuzzy Socks
3.The third book to the Outlander series
4.Gift Cards
5.Monogrammed stuff
6. A scarf
7. Jewelry
8. A puppy that he takes care of and I just get to visit and name (;
9. Sims 4
10.Craft Stuff

All this was easy stuff that could be any price really. 

What are somethings you asked for?
Did you make list like these growing up?

Loveto read about your Christmas List Traditions!(:


2014 Christmas list

Monday, October 27, 2014

Be The Encourager and Supporter

"Being a girlfriend, fiancé or wife is not just about being beautiful and attractive for your guy. It's not just about letting him chase you, letting him do sweet things every time you're mad at him and not just receiving flowers and gifts during your anniversaries. It's not about doing those girly things just to get his attention and not just about feeling mighty every time he did everything you want. It's also being an emotional partner wherein you support him in every opportunity that he takes, you appreciate everything that he does for you and you thank him for doing it, you remind him on the things he must do and what he must not. Just because you know that you can always keep him on his feet doesn't mean you can manipulate him. You understand him not just as a partner but as an individual too. You help him in every way showing him, that in a relationship, there's no "I" or "you", there's only "we" and "us". You know also that a man has their ego, especially mine, and even when it becomes a little irritating sometimes, you still understand that it's a part of his nature. A girlfriend, finance, or wife is just not terms, it also has responsibilities that every girl must know. You're a friend, a sister, a second mom, a teacher, and a best friend. I think a lot of girls forget that."

This was beautifully written by my friend Jessika.

    I think a lot of times couples forget to be each others supporters and encouragers. You may not like their choices, but as their lover you should support them and encourage them with whatever they do in life. Now, This doesn't mean you should support them if they choose to do heroin, but if they choose to become an art major instead of an engineer then support them and when they realize they wont make any money then encourage them. If you love them, the money they make or the changes they go through will not deteriorate your feelings towards them.  

    We need to not just be lovers, we need to be best friends. As my friend said, "You're a friend, a sister, a second mom, a teacher, and a best friend." You're going to get on their nerves, and you're going to come off naggish sometimes. It happens. Sometimes they are going to need to hear the truth. And it may hurt, but wouldn't you rather hear it from your best friend then someone you hardly know? You need to be that second mom, their teacher, to steer them in the right direction in life. Now, this doesn't mean you should tell them they shouldn't be an art major, but you could weigh the pros and cons out with them. If its still what they truly want, then let them and support them through it. 

    My stud went to school for a year. Didn't do too well and didn't have the focus, so he left and started working. 2 and 1/2 years later he is going back and starting over. I think this is wonderful! He's grown up a bit, saved some money, and now knows what he wants to do. I support and encourage him through it all. I know I come off naggish sometimes to him when I remind him of due dates and things he needs to get together (second moming him..), but if you ask him and he has told me multiple times, he loves that I do. It might get on his nerves at the moment, but when he looks and sees what he has taken care of he knows I only want the best and push him to be his best.


"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."

- 1 Thessalonians 5:11

I love this verse because That is exactly what we need to do. We need to build each other up. 

How do you guys feel couples should be?

Should the women be the main supporter and encourager?

Should this be a priority at all?

I would love to hear your response! (:
