I lost a brother tonight, I do not know how.
I lost a brother tonight, I do not know why.
I lost a brother tonight, Could you tell?
I lost my brother tonight, I'm crumbling inside.
Emotions aren't easy for me to show. I don't know how to handle them and I don't know how to react to sad situations. Today I found out I lost one of my brothers. Blood? No. But none the less my brother.
He was my brother's best friend, brother, and future best man. He has lived with us off and on and just like my brother, he teased the mess out me. I don't understand why and never in a million years would I have thought this would have happened. I am in such a state of shock still. While at work tonight everyone asked if I was alright. I wasn't! I want to be home to grieve with y family. I don't how they are going to take it every time a piece of mail for him lands in our mailbox or when they funeral comes around and we travel to which ever state to hear the gun shots for the proper military funeral.
I lost my brother tonight.