Thursday, February 6, 2014

20 Things From My Life

  Today in my LAS class we had to write down 20 things we remember from our past 19 years (or however old you were). They couldn't be personal, but more generic. For Example, You would put Instant Messaging, or Myspace. Something that has happen in your life that was some what new or big. My list looked a lot like this...

1. That So Raven
2. Easy Bake Oven
3. Nintendo 64
4. Game Boy Color
5. Pokemon
6. Dragon Ball Z
7. Hannah Montana
8. Bop It
9. Hurricane Katrina
10. Michael Jackson Died
11. Clinton Scandal
12. 9/11
13. Out-Of-The-Box
14. Operation Iraqi Freedom
15. Junie B. Jones Books
16. Computer games
17. Razor Scooters
18. Heelies
19. Bratz
20. BP Oil Spill

  The fact that #3-#6 are boy stuff makes me laugh. I obviously grew up with an older brother who wished he had a younger brother and not a younger sister...  

This list kinda makes me sad.. Like I look back at this stuff and realize most kids dont have Heelies now or have Brat dolls. This little girl in my gymnastic class the other day didn't even know who Hannah Montana is (maybe a good thing?) or even heard of Camp Rock. How depressing right?

Growing up sure does suck sometimes.

What would Yall's list look like??


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Lets be honest here...

   I can't keep a gypsy blog when all I do is the same city.... Hopefully one day I will be able to travel the world and see new places! For right now, I'm just going to keep a college average girl blog. Sound good? Maybe a few gypsy life post here and there, but come on... who wants to hear my coffee shops stories over and over and over again? NOT ME! So! Here is to a new beginning and a new writing path! If any of you fellow bloggers have any ideas, let me know!